随风潜入夜-日你细无声 BD德语高清

欢迎来到随风潜入夜-日你细无声BD德语高清的云播xm播放页面,2010年剧情片《随风潜入夜-日你细无声》是一部德国的影视作品,导演是Sabine Derflinger,,演员有Anna Rot,玛格达莱娜·克隆施拉格,菲利普·霍奇迈尔,Martina Spitzer。

he students Lea (Anna Rot) and Hanna (Magdalena Kronschläger) are broke. Instead of working as waitresses, both decide to work as escort girls, because there is the big money to earn. They also had bad sex before that. So why not make a living by sex. Between curiosity and bewilderment, they plunge into an adventure between day and night. And so they quickly know how to deal with the suitors. They always give their customers the feeling that they are something special. The suitors turn out to be quite normal family fathers, bored or stressed out managers, commercial travelers, young men - all in search of a sexual adventure. Despite their small perversions, they are rarely unsympathetic, so sometimes there is room for happiness. Slowly this job seems to please them and soon it is part of everyday life for them. For this, the normal life is getting away from them more and more. Studies and escort service, student and call girl can not be combined that easily. And so it does not take ...



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